~ August 3, 2011
This week I want to hear from you. Have you ever purchased a Mark’s Choice item? Did it meet your expectations?
This week I want to hear from you. Have you ever purchased a Mark’s Choice item? Did it meet your expectations?
You can send your feedback this week (through this link) or anytime you have a comment (through the button on my homepage). I want to hear what you think of the Mark’s Choice products you have purchased over the years as I am always trying to improve the line. Be honest, I want to hear the good, bad or ugly and if you have any suggestions for improvements to individual products please let me know.
It will only take a couple minutes and your comments are greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you.

Mark's Choice items are available exclusively at Home Hardware. You can view the full line of products on http://www.markcullen.com/ and http://www.homehardware.ca/.